शुक्रवार, 30 दिसंबर 2011

Kumaon : My Land , My People


A traditional Kumaoni village and old man

                      Janaani janam bhumi , swargadapi gariyashi
true said
             each and everyone in this world feels an attraction towards his\her motherland and its inhabitants .I am also not an exception if I feel and experience the same . In the short span of my life , I have lived till age ,I have visited enough places to give my feelings a good support of my experiences , I traveled Gujarat , Goa , Nepal , deep periphery of U.P. , I met the people their , learnt about their lifestyle and tradition and always liked their ways and culture , tried to adopt them till I was there , but nowhere I felt that strong attraction or interest that I always feel for my land , my people , for the traditions and culture I always been introduced with even though I have not been in continuous contact with it .   There is a pleasing sense of happiness within me whenever I saw any Kumaoni man , woman or children . I feel so happy to talk to them in Kumaoni language and I feel my mother to be the most beautiful lady in this world whenever she wore her traditional dress along with Pichhora...

Kumaoni Ladies wearing Picchora
It is not like that I am spreading "Shetravaad " or something like that but I feel a deep sense of love and gratitude for my motherland and along with that comes of responsibility which I wish that for sure I will one day uphold and with my work and duty will make everyone proud of this heavenly place ,  an inseparable part of India Uttrakhand ...more beautiful when said Uttranchal..

4 टिप्‍पणियां: