रविवार, 30 मई 2021

What Life Means ??

We all are somewhere searching this answer aware or unaware, but underneath all the activities we do to satisfy ourselves with the meaningfulness of our lives is the void which we are trying to fill.
I cannot claim for all other beings in this planet, but for me life was very simple as long as I was unaware of its customs. It is truly said that ignorance is bliss. In each of us lives the light of knowledge falls only over the spot where we are standing at the moment, we call it present. Nature has kept the before and after of that moment in dark which we call the uncertainty of life. As long as, it is kept this way everything falls in order for us. We seem to have control of our life in our hands and that delusion keep us doing whatever we want to do. My life my rules, but life has its own rules and it plays only on them. This is where we meet with unexpected situations. These rules are all decide by the Nature itself, life cycles in the way it has been made by it. 
As soon as you become aware of these rules, the control of your life starts slipping from your hands because now you start to feel that that light on the spot where you were standing was not your control of your life but was the only opportunity where you can response and that too only for that moment. Now you can't live with your delusions and you know nothing about how to play under the rules of nature.
Knowing these truths is the beginning of the miseries Buddha talked about. In those moments of realizations, you no longer want to hold the world around you, cause you know that you can't. But, the irony is that, part of you wants to leave it but your mind is so addicted to it that withdrawal symptoms starts appearing. You try to get rid of things around you but you feel hostage to the facilities and situations around you which once you thought were to serve you.
Well, life is spent in this and the outcome is the sigh until the last breath of man.
Ironically, those who are able to leave are being called fugitives of the world by those who are chained.
Only a fugitive has the freedom to search for the truth, how can a man chained with every single shackle can except that.

Than what's the solution for that? Well who I am to tell, I myself is running around searching for one. All I can offer you is best wishes for yours.

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